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Take Nothing But Pictures... Leave Nothing But Footprints. 


Picture this:

🏜️ Setting: The landscape stretches out like an ancient canvas, its colors muted by years of abandonment. The sun, a relentless artist, paints shadows across the crumbling adobe walls.

🏚️ Buildings: Rows of weathered structures line the dusty streets. The old saloon, its sign swinging lazily in the breeze, whispers secrets of raucous nights and desperate gamblers. Next door, the general store’s shelves remain barren, as if waiting for customers who will never return.

🌵 Cacti Sentinels: Tall cacti stand guard, their arms raised in silent vigil. They’ve witnessed the rise and fall of this town, their spines echoing the ache of lost hopes.

🌅 Sunset Ritual: As the sun dips below the horizon, casting long shadows, the ghost town awakens. Dust motes dance in the fading light, and the wind carries faint echoes of laughter and sorrow.

👻 Lingering Spirits: Some say the spirits of miners still wander these streets. They shuffle through the remnants of their lives, seeking solace or perhaps redemption. Their footsteps echo in the silence.

📸 Photographer’s Paradise: For those who venture here, cameras in hand, there’s magic in decay. Rusty bed frames, broken windows, and sun-bleached signs become art against the vast desert backdrop.

What exactly is a ghost town?

 A ghost town is an abandoned village, town, or city, usually one that contains substantial visible remaining buildings and infrastructure such as roads. A town often becomes a ghost town because the economic activity that supported it has failed or ended for any reason. 

Barren site

  • Site is no longer in existence

  • Site has been destroyed, covered with water, or reverted to empty land

  • May have a few difficult to find foundations/footings at most


Neglected site

  • Little more than rubble remains at the site

  • Dilapidated, often roofless buildings remain at the site


Abandoned site

  • Building or houses still standing, but all or almost all are abandoned

  • No population, with the possible exception of a caretaker

  • Site no longer in use, except for one or two buildings


Semi-abandoned site

  • Buildings or houses still standing, but most are abandoned

  • A few residents may remain


Historic site

  • Buildings or houses still standing

  • Site has been converted to a historical site, museum, or tourist attraction

  • Still a busy community, but population is smaller than its peak years

This website was created to help preserve and share the history of these magnificent towns, forts and native ruins that once thrived in the beautiful Land of Enchantment. Some of these towns even date back as far as the 1600's!


All images on this site were taken by us here at NM Ghost Towns unless stated otherwise. Please visit as often as you like as we are updating daily! 

If you have any information to add on any of the ghost towns or would like to submit a ghost town, please feel free to contact us. 

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